JCUSA Advocacy Service Charter
Please read the below JCUSA Advocacy Service Charter before requesting an Advocacy Appointment.
Academic Advocacy
A free, confidential & non-judgmental service is available to all James Cook University students. You do not need to be a member of the JCU Student Association to access this service. For more information please use the Request an Advocacy Appointment booking form here.
General Information
We can give you information on how the University operates. If you have questions relating to the University's academic policies and procedures we may have the answer, or at the very least, put you in contact with the person you need to speak with.
Free and Confidential Service
Professional Student Advocacy and Welfare Support Officers available to assist with any academic concerns. They will clarify the options that are available to you and, if you so wish, help you to pursue appropriate action. Your discussion with the advocate is confidential. Any action will only be taken with your consent.
Representation and Advocacy
A Student Advocate is available to give advice, represent or support you in consultations with the University or individual lecturers. They can speak to Academic staff or University staff on your behalf. They can also attend meetings with you in the role of representative, advocate or support person, to help resolve situations. Further, your views will be forwarded to student representatives on University Committees to raise the University's awareness of your needs.
Student Complaints & Feedback
Complaints from class actions and individuals can be taken forward anonymously, protecting students' identities. Students will be provided with advice and information regarding how to approach the University, or make complaints. This enables you to raise legitimate concerns without fear of recrimination.
Preparing Applications / Claims
A Student Advocate is available to assist you to prepare applications for deferred exams, special consideration or a request for a review of your assessment. They can also assist you to appeal a University decision. Assistance is provided to enable you to present your case to the University in order to obtain an optimal outcome.
Advice on University Rules and Regulations
The University has a variety of rules and regulations that apply to students, and can be confusing. If you are unsure of what these are or how they apply to you, contact the Student Association for advice.
Remote & External Students
You are not alone. External students are encouraged to use the Request an Advocacy Appointment booking form if they have any concerns relating to their subject, for example, contact issues, marks or results.
Advocacy Service Survey
Take our Advocacy Service Survey below. We would love to hear your feedback about the service and how we can improve.