
About Us

The JCU Student Association (JCUSA) is a service based not- for-profit organisation that is independent of the University. JCUSA is an integral part of the University community, bringing the campus to life with its services and offering support to students for all sorts of issues varying from academic through to financial.

Our main office is located on the Townville campus but we also have an office on the Cairns campus.

JCUSA has student Advocacy Officers based in Townsville, Cairns and Brisbane who offer a free, independent, confidential and non-judgemental service that is available to all JCU students.

Our Mission

The James Cook University Student Association is an organisation directed by elected and appointed Office Bearers which aims to provide high quality representation, support services and relevant non-academic activities to all of it's members.

Recognition of Original Custodians

The James Cook University Student Association recognises the Traditional Owners as the original custodians of the land on which all Australian James Cook University campuses sit. 

Further recognition is made that:

  • Traditional Owners have a unique status as the descendants of the land;
  • Traditional Owners have a spiritual, social, cultural and economic relationship with their traditional lands and waters within this area;
  • Traditional Owners have made a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the identity and wellbeing of this land; and
  • Respect for Traditional Owners and the acknowledgement of Elders past and present must be a core value of our operation.

The James Cook University Student Association:

  • Recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of Australia;
  • Recognises the cultural values, beliefs, strengths and wellbeing needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students whilst undertaking study at James Cook University; and
  • Commits towards the achievement of reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students / peoples and the wider community, as outlined in the JCU Reconciliation Statement.

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The James Cook University Student Association works closely with the James Cook University. Please visit to find out more.