
Clubs & Societies Grant Application Form

All forms mentioned in this application form can be downloaded and completed here:

Clubs & Societies Forms

Clubs & Societies Grant Application Form

Grant Details

Name of Club/Society


Is this Club/Society charging a minimum membership fee of $5.00?

Presidents Details

Presidents Name

Email Address

Phone number

JCU Student Number

Treasurers Details

Treasurers Name

Email Address

Phone number

JCU Student Number

Grant Details

Funding Period - Year

Funding Period - Semester Number

Bank Details - BSB

Bank Details - Account Number

Bank Details - Account Name

Number of Members

Year the Club or Society was formed Leave blank if unsure

Total bank balances

What email address do we send information on this application to?

In accordance with JCUSA Regulations 7.5, an affiliated Club or Society which wishes to obtain financial assistance from the Association must submit to the Clubs and Societies Committee a proposed annual budget which must include all proposed expenditure and expected income;

Please complete and submit the Annual Budget Tab in Form 169 Club/Society Record Keeping Template

Please explain what the grant funds will be used for:

Please explain how will these funds benefit your members and the wider JCU student cohort?

What is the approximate number of participants you think will take part in or benefit from the activity/event for which funding is being requested?

Please explain, to what extent will the grant funding furthers the aims of the Club or Society?

Timeline: Please provide details of what the funds will be used for and what date/s you expect to use the funds

Amount being requested Note – cannot exceed $1000

Capped items as per POL092 Club Society JCUSA SSAF Grants

COVID-19 Hygiene Resources - $100 per semester; Medal/Trophy - $30 per semester; Shirts/Clothing - $400 per year; Field Hire - $1500 per year; Free lunch or similar - $200 per event; Photographer - $500 per semester; Running costs - $50 per semester; Sporting teams - $600 per semester; Uniforms (Sporting teams only) - $300 per semester; BBQ event - $200 per semester; BBQ utensils/supplies - $50 per semester; Merchandise for the Club/Society and not a one off specific event/activity* - $300 per year; Annual General Meeting costs - $150 per year; Speakers Fees - $200 per semester; Advertising (including pull up banners) - $100 per year; *Note – any merchandise has to have the SSAF and JCUSA logo on it, so a proof must be submitted with this application

Please fill and upload Form 183 JCUSA SSAF Grant Application Form

Please fill and upload Form 120 Clubs and Societies Risk Assessment Form if applicable

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